Godwin Kweku Tetteh Maulepe about living-conditions in Ghana and the efforts to "Fix the country"
Online-Meeting organised by the International PeaceFactory Wanfried (Germany), sorry, at the end we had technical problems and therefore the video stops abruptly. We hope that by then, however, was useful for you. If you want to work with us for just and solidary German-European-Ghanaian relations (Fix-Ghanian-German-European Relationships) then write to us: Info@internationale-friedensfabrik-wanfried.org or to Godwin: godwinkweku4@gmail.com. We also discuss to look for activists who want to extend the network to other African countries for fair European-African relations (Fix European-African-relationships) (and maybe also build them in their countries (Fix the country) and consider at the end of the year as international network "Let's fix our countries! Let's fix our wolrld!) if there is enough interest and conception about joint activities. Goal: Learning from and with each other our countries, the relations of our countries to each other and our world according to the legally decided but not implemented treaties to: the UN Charter, the goals of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which have also been made legally binding in the UN Civil Pact and UN Social Pact. The next meeting is Saturday, February 28, 4 p.m. in Germany, 3 p.m. in Ghana. Those interested are invited. The link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/321685404