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Autorenbild: Wolfgang LieberknechtWolfgang Lieberknecht

Vijay Prashad and I discuss the fierce defiance of the Global South, from the legacies of leaders like Kwame Nkrumah to the global conversation about neocolonialism. We dive into the new mood of the Global South after October 7th, the fight for dignity in places like the West Bank, and the global power dynamics that continue to shape these battles. 00:00 Pop Quiz Introduction 03:16 Vijay’s Interest in the Global South 08:19 The Case for Kwame Nkrumah 14:09 Nkrumah and Pan Africanism 19:19 Controlling Resources, Sovereignty, and MultiNational Corporations 25:15 National Liberation and getting Branded a Marxist 27:57 The Difficult First Phase After Gaining “Independence” 39:38 The New Mood of the Global South After October 7th 50:45 Controlling the High Ground and “Air Superiority” 56:14 “You eat. And you want Dignity.” Water in the West Bank 1:04:15 The Reverse of Dignity and the Erasure of Humanity 1:07:21 Utilitarian Progress and Humiliation and Nuclear Weapons 1:12:25 Hiroshima Day 1:19:04 The US Election and do I need a hug? 1:22:54 I do love Jill Stein… 1:25:43 Final Thoughts and References for Further Reading 1:32:52 Tolerances of Freedom Mobutu v Lumumba and Hamas’s “Decision” 1:41:12 An Actual Smile to End ***correction, in the outro I said Guatemala took the US to the ICJ in 1954 and the US didn't show up on day 2. I was misremembering, that was actually the Case of Nicaragua v US in 1984 (same general point still stands though!) City Population Projections: Kwame speech to Pan African leaders    • Kwame Nkrumah Speech That  Will Unite...   Kwame speech from exile    • Kwame Nkrumah’s Most IMPORTANT Speech...   Patrice Lumumba speech    • The Speech that Got Patrice Lumumba K...   Qaddafi on the Gold Dinar Hilary emails about Gaddafi The non alignment movement George Padmore Book https://dialecticalartist.files.wordp... Congo Mine That Build the Atomic Bomb Bitter Fruit Fidel Castro speech to the intellectuals June 1961 This Way To the Spring   / the-way-to-the-spring   Curb Your Enthusiasm "Palestinian Chicken"

A reflection on my first trip abroad, where I first learned the name Kwame Nkrumah and started wondering why things were the way they were. An effort to broaden the conversation from Palestine, exploring the tangled relationship between peace, justice, free will, the principle of Unjust Riches and the impact of the past year’s global events. 00:00 Introduction - Widening the Conversation with 3 Guests 03:30 An Unacceptable World 04:20 Laying out the Essay 05:15 A Summer in Israel… or not 09:31 Where Did I Fit? Ghana, 1999 12:49 A Woman and a Washing Machine 17:40 Trying To Understand 22:05 The Gate of No Return and Kwame Nkrumah 29:15 A Ten Year Old Thinks Out Loud 31:26 The First to notice Neocolonialism 34:42 Unjust Riches 40:08 The Closing Windows of Justice 50:08 Hard Determinism and Free Will 57:35 A Cure or a Kill 1:02:30 Peace without Justice and Justice without Peace 1:08:00 A Global Justice Movement and Encountering Problems

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